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Let the Serra Club of East Valley help your parish foster vocations. We have a number of programs to offer your parish at no cost including….



The Traveling Crucifix Program

With the constant visual reminder of a prominently placed Crucifix they’ve taken home from church after Sunday Mass, a family (or individual) prays for vocations during a week-long period of time while also writing down their experiences in prayer.

See What St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish is Gilbert Arizona did with the Traveling Crucifix Program!


The 31 Club

The 31 Club is a simple, easily-established program for parishes to use in their vocations-related efforts. It’s an ideal program for the involvement of busy parishioners who want to help with vocations but need to be able to fit it into their schedule.



Vocation Promoting Releases for your bulletin, website or other social media

Don’t forget to take advantage of your weekly bulletin to promote vocations. We can help with items easy to place in your bulletin.


Today, technology plays an ever-larger role in sparking vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and deaconate. Our materials contain ideas and strategies for leveraging technology to that end.



Parish Vocations Prayer

These prayers are typically brief, and can easily be included in one’s list of prayers before or during, say, Sunday Mass, weekday Mass, or at other times.



Called by Name

This is a program designed to facilitate input from parishioners regarding potential candidates for the priesthood, deaconate, and religious life. Among its main components are a stress, within Sunday homilies, on the need for vocations—and parishioner response cards.



Adopt a Seminarian

As parish-level efforts, Adopt a Seminarian programs are a grassroots means for the faithful to encourage, pray for, and provide for the material needs of priests in training. The programs can be a great way for families to get involved in supporting seminarians.


St. Andrew Dinners and Miriam Dinners

St. Andrew Dinners are named after the apostle who, according to the Gospel of John, took his brother, Simon Peter, to meet Jesus.  These dinners give priests the chance to invite men whom they believe to have priestly vocations, or, at least, the qualities necessary to make a good priest, to have a casual, informal dinner and conversation with the local bishop.




Similar events for young women are typically known as Miriam Dinners.

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